相約看北極光@ Cafe Medina, Vancouver

多謝ViVi的介紹, 今次食的每一餐都好滿意, 儲定糧都要啦!! HAHA!!  因為過兩日係Yellowknife應該沒有那麼多選擇的了. 

今日起身後, 去了Cafe Medina吃Brunch. 其實前一天也有去過Cafe Medina, 就在我地的酒店附近. 但好可惜人真的太多, 星期日加上排隊要2個小時先有得食……估唔到Vancouver也有排隊店呢!!  好彩今日都係等左30mins左右, 就可以入座啦!! 好期待~~

 整間cafe富有設計感, 通透的窗引入暖和的陽光, 好舒服呢!! 門口還掛著 “life is too short to drink bad coffee" 的玩笑標題.  環境唔錯, 唔知食物又如何呢??  我地點了每人一杯咖啡及一個ALL DAY

我那杯係Mocha White Chocolate Pistacio Rosewater, 味道好好!!
雖然幾樣mixed埋, 但都飲到Pistacio & Rose.
飲左一陣, All Day到啦!! 賣相好靚!!
呢個係Saumon Fumé (1 fried egg, smoked wild salmon cream cheese, pickles, sliced avocado, arugula, peppadew & artichoke salad on grilled ciabatta).
好fresh!! 一早吃一個咁fresh的brunch, 人都精神d.
另外朋友點的all day!
Asado (1 fried egg, chimichurri AAA flatiron beef, sweet peppers and onions, aged chèvre, greens, & hazelnut-almond romesco with grilled ciabatta)

Harissa Pain Plat (1 fried egg, beef ‘burger’, grilled pita, Manchego, tomato salsa, spiced hummus & summer greens)

Life is too short to drink bad coffee真係講得冇錯!! 如果可以成日來飲返杯, 真係人生一件樂事,


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